Submit A Free Guest Post – Guidelines For SlangFeed

Hi there! Thanks for your interest in free guest post for SlangFeed. We’re glad you’re here.

Are you a published writer in the field of digital marketing? Then you are exactly who we are looking for! We only accept content for free guest post from real writers who are experts in the field, and who have a track record of quality published articles.

Free Guest Post Submission Guidelines

Title Guidelines:

  • TITLE cannot contain an HTML tag, author name, or URL.
  • The TITLE must NOT contain any slang words or profanity in it.
  • Do not stuff your TITLE with keywords. It should be an easy-to-understand title that is not flooding with keywords.
  • DO NOT use the names of prescribed drugs in your article’s TITLE.

Free Guest Post Content Guidelines:

  • First paragraph anchor text link not allowed.
  • The article you submit must be written in ENGLISH.
  • Articles should be a minimum of 800 words and should cover the topic in detail.
  • The article must be a human-written stuff. AI generated content will be deleted.
  • The article must be unique and you must have the right to publish it. Otherwise, we will delete your articles.
  • We do not accept negative marketing against another company or one’s competitors.
  • We do not accept images or videos in the article body.
  • We do not accept articles that contain information about replying to the personal email address, phone number, mobile number postal address, or other means of correspondence. We will delete articles containing any personal information.
  • We do not accept articles that contain promotion of or information on pornography/explicit adult material, violence, escort services, sales of prescription or illicit drugs, steroid use, tobacco, marijuana, cannabis, alcohol, wine, beer, weapons, ammunition, replicas, hacking, cracking or retrieving passwords.

Who Can Submit Free Guest Post?

You can! (Unless you are a spammer) Our authors range from experienced writers to first-timers. As our process includes editorial oversight, we can be a great place to publish your first piece.
You need an idea, something you want to share, and the ability to put together an outline to show us that your idea is likely to be of interest to our readers. From that point on, we can give you any help that you need as you write and revise your article. Start your writing career with us, just like experienced writers did.

If you are interested, go ahead and email us your content at ““, both your author details and article is subject to review.