
EDG Grant

If after many years of hard work you are going to make some important decisions in your business today, then congratulations to you in advance. If you are now at the point where you are thinking about applying for an Enterprise Development Grant and want to know about its requirements.Continue Reading

EDG grant

Given the current landscape where the disparity in economies continues to present numerous obstacles, fostering an environment that supports inclusive growth is crucial to addressing these imbalances. Small businesses and startups, considered the lifeline of the continual existence of economies, perform critical roles in fostering innovation through brilliant ideas, generatingContinue Reading

Company Registration

In recent times, the trend of virtual office or business is gaining immense popularity in the industry. Virtual offices give flexibility to businesses to manipulate many aspects of business such as company registration, document handling, videoconferencing, mail handling, messaging, and administrative work. All such works can be streamlined through aContinue Reading

Oil & Gas Finance

Oil and Gas is one of the most scare resources in our world today. Those who control the present sources of oil and gas wield considerable economic and political clout in the world. That is why the search for newer sources of oil and gas is being carried out throughoutContinue Reading

Oil And Gas M&A

Whether it is renewable energy or new sources of oil and gas, finance is one big game changer. The reason for this is that these are sectors which soak up a lot of money. The first thing that needs to be done is to prospect for probable sources of energy.Continue Reading


Why is infrastructure fundraising so difficult to indulge in or arrange for? The biggest reason is the sheer size and scale involved. Apart from the amount of money involved, there is also the element of time. Projects involving infrastructure, utilities, or natural resources usually have a long gestation period, andContinue Reading

Funding For Renewable Energy

Most corporates look for traditional banking channels when they require funding for their ongoing or new projects. But when it comes to companies involved in renewable energies, the traditional banking channels might not always be the best choice to look for funding for renewable energy project. The reason for thisContinue Reading