There are very few Bollywood stars who openly disclose their love to the world before marriage. It includes the names of Bollywood actor Ali Fazal and actress Richa Chadda, who often make headlines for the news of their love. Richa and Ali are Bollywood couples who have held each other openly in front of the world. While many celebs try to hide their relationship in front of couple media quickly, Ali and Richa have also talked about their marriage. Fans also want to see this couple tied in marriage as soon as possible. Now recently, Ali Fazal shared a picture on his Instagram which surprised the fans and everyone started congratulating them for the wedding. Not only fans but Bollywood celebs also commented on his post.
Actually, on Saturday, Ali Fazal shared a new picture on Instagram. In this picture, henna was seen with a hand on which some beautiful flowers were placed. Sharing this picture, Ali Fazal wrote in the caption, ‘Mohabbat Doodle with Henna’. However, no one’s face was seen in the picture. At the same time, this post has been missing from his official Instagram account.
This picture of Ali went viral as soon as it was posted. Many fans began to wish Richa Chadda the hand seen in this picture and congratulated them for the wedding. At the same time, many fans wanted to know whether Ali and Richa got married in this lockdown. A fan asked- Did he marry? At the same time, another fan wrote, ‘Guddu Bhaiya Mohabbat Mubarak Ho‘.
Not only this, celebs like Isha Gupta and Amyra Dastur also commented on this picture of him. While Isha commented on this photo of Ali, heart emoji, while Amyra also commented and wrote ‘OMG’. At the same time, the fans were also constantly commenting on this picture of him.
Let us tell you that Richa Chadda and Ali Fazal had announced to marry in the year 2020. However, he pushed it forward due to the lockdown. After this Ali Fazal’s mother passed away due to which this couple could not marry again. At the same time, the second wave of Corona has been wreaking havoc for a long time this year, it cannot be said clearly how long Ali and Richa will get married.